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Q: Where can I find new tax legislation for the current year?
A: New tax information will be posted to Lincoln Tax Services of RI Facebook page.
Q: Will a divorce have an impact on a tax return?
A: Any major life changes will impact a tax return. Each will need to be evaluated on an individual basis.
Q: What are estimated taxes?
A: Taxpayers are required to make quarterly payments if they have too little or no taxes withheld.
Q: What are the due dates for estimated taxes?
A: April 15, June 15, September 15 and January 15
Q: What do I need to know if I sell my home and buy a new one?
A: Home sold: Purchase date & price, cost of improvements, sale date & price, Settlement Statement.
New home: Settlement Statement. Also, Mortgage Interest 1098's & Real Estate Taxes for both homes.
Q: Do I need to bring in all receipts for my business?
A: No. Keep all receipts in a secure location. I need a list of categorized totals, prepared before we meet.
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